

Q: Aren’t you that guy with the pig?
A: Yeah, that’s me. Back in 2018 when I released my first single, Falling Like The Rain, I drove across Canada promoting it - meeting radio folks, reconnecting with old friends, making new ones, and playing shows. I was driving back from my last stop in Edmonton Alberta to play a show in Barrie Ontario. I was just north of Thunder Bay when I found a tiny piglet sitting on the side of the road. He was pretty banged up. I cleaned him up, brought him home, and took care of him for a few months. During that time he came with me to shows, interviews, an awards show, and he made an unforgettable appearance on the album cover for Taking My Time - which earned me my first CCMA nomination. He’s living his best life on a beautiful farm now.

Q: Who are some of your influences?
A: Randy Newman, Randy Travis, Roger Miller, John Williams, and Weird Al to name a few.

Q: What kind of guitars do you play the most?
A: I love my Martin OOOs, I've got a great little Gibson J-165, and I've played a hole through my Takamine P3MC. That one’s starting to look like Trigger (Willie Nelson’s guitar).

Q: What’s your favourite song to play?
A: You've Got A Friend In Me (the song from Toy Story).

Q: Hobbies?
A: Drawing cartoons, playing golf, cooking, dissecting great movie scores.

Q: What do you nerd out on?
A: Great Music, Animation, well-written tv shows (Aaron Sorkin is my fave...Studio 60, The Newsroom, West Wing...all amazing!)

Q: What are your favourite foods?
A: Smoked meat. Seafood. Pho. Sushi. It’s a long list…I love food. lol

Q: Favourite Movies?
A: The original Disney Beauty and the Beast, Back To The Future, Jurassic Park, Love Actually

Q: Fave TV Shows?
A: The Office, The Orville, Studio 60, Seinfeld

Q: Do you have any tattoos?
A: Just one - Calvin & Hobbes on my left forearm.

Q: What were you into when you were a kid?
A: Nintendo, Cartoons, Music - not much has changed.
